WASHINGTON, DC: The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding here this morning affirming our close and continuing partnership and reflecting our consensus reached on levels and kinds of future U.S. financial assistance to be provided in the next Compact assistance period.
U.S. Department of the Interior Assistant Secretary for Insular and International Affairs Carmen G. Cantor signed the Memorandum for the United States and Jackson T. Soram, Deputy Chief of Mission of the FSM Embassy in Washington, signed for the FSM. Other FSM and U.S. officials attended the signing at the Department of Interior.
The Memorandum of Understanding was signed as part of ongoing negotiations on key documents in the U.S.-FSM relationship and confirms our shared vision for a strengthened and lasting partnership that will continue to benefit both nations and the entire Pacific region.
The U.S. and FSM are working diligently to reach agreement on other key aspects of our bilateral relationship, including mutually agreeable texts for the Federal Programs and Services Agreement, the Fiscal Procedures Agreement, and the Compact Trust Fund Agreement.
Our nations continue to work toward agreement on the final Compact package to be submitted to our respective legislative bodies for consideration in the near future.